As we roll towards the end of the Season, interest in Referee Points continues to ramp up. Here’s where we stand:
Notes on Ref Points
10U Teams need 18 points each; 12U need 24, and
14U Teams need 30 points each.
If your Team’s name is
on the bottom of this list, it means they don’t have any Referee points yet as of Sunday.
The “Totals w/Bonus”
column includes only past games, so if you have signed up for games next week or beyond, they will show in
future totals.
If you’re wondering if
your games have contributed to these totals, just take a look at “My Schedule” in CGI Sports. It will show
you where your points have been allocated for each game you’ve signed-up for. Please check here before
asking me, and let me know if there are issues with “Teams Credited” for your games.
You can also see both Current and Projected Standings (future signups) here: CGI Sports - Standings. Caveat: Bonus Points don’t appear on the website, only game points.
The newly added Forecast Total and Forecast Status columns are based on future signups.
As we get closer to the end of the regular season, those who are still “Falling Behind” are going to face a steeper
climb, but don’t give up yet!
What Does All This Mean?
If your Team is “On Track”, keep scheduling games to stay on track, and be thoughtful about if your Team still needs more points going into Weeks 9-11.
If you’re Refereeing for Teams that are ALREADY qualified, we need you to drop future “early-bird” assignments, ESPECIALLY on 10U & 12U games. An “early-bird” assignment is a sign-up for a game more than three days in advance. Those slots need to be made available first to the Teams that need them, so we’re going to drop you from those 10U & 12U games. If they are still open closer to game day, please feel free to pick them back up - we still want the games to be covered.
To be clear, if you’re not already qualified for playoffs yet, your assignments will not be changed. I’ll send another email later in the week if we need Referees to fill-in the open slots.
Gift Points
Referees are allowed to allocate their excess points to other Teams, on a limited basis. Teams must
earn 75% of their required points on their own, meaning from their own Grandparents, Parents, Siblings, Coaches and Players.
Conversely only 25% of their required points can come from “gifts”.
Division |
Pts. Req. |
Gift Pts. Max |
10U |
20 |
5 |
12U |
24 |
6 |
14U |
24 |
6 |
More to come, have a good week.